Knights of Columbus is a worldwide fraternal service organization of Catholic men who support refugee relief, Catholic education, local parishes and dioceses, and global Catholic causes.
Knights serve the community in various ways and support other missions of the Church financially. Twice a year, the #12408 Council Knights at Shrine Parish raise money during the Mentally Ill (MI) Drive (also known as the “Tootsie Roll Drive”), the proceeds of which are donated to several community organizations. Some of these organizations include Mary’s Children Family Center, which serves people with special needs, and the Rose Center, which serves patients with severe psychiatric disorders.
On a national and international level, the Knights of Columbus raise money for causes like autism, the Special Olympics, or persecuted Christians in other countries.
They also serve at special ceremonial Masses, like the “Blue Mass,” in honor of first responders. Other local events they host include spelling bees, free-throw contests, and much more.
Confirmed men over 18 years old are eligible to join the Knights of Columbus. A Form 100 must be completed and voted on to apply for membership. Candidates must attend a first degree to be admitted into the Knights of Columbus. Our Council yearly dues are $35, with voluntary contributions $52.
Shrine Parish Council #12408 meets twice a month, the first meeting on second Tuesdays of the month (a business meeting), and the second meeting on fourth Tuesdays (a more informal meeting). Meetings take place in either the Heritage Hall or Conference Center rooms at 7:30 p.m.
For more information, contact Grand Knight Bill Kostrzewa, at (248) 321-3335 or [email protected], or email [email protected].
With Father Junipero Serra, the great missionary, as their patron, Serra USA was formed in 1935 and promotes vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life. Serra USA aims to help members to recognize and respond to God’s call in their own lives in their own personal walk toward holiness and union with Christ.
Homeschool families at Shrine educate their children at home. The group comes together to worship, to celebrate the liturgical year, to serve the parish in a variety of ways, and to support each other in their homeschooling efforts.
Homeschool family Holy Hour is offered every 2-3 p.m. Thursdays in the Adoration Chapel, and children are welcome to come adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Whether you stay for a few minutes or an hour, Jesus is waiting to spend time with you and your family.
For general information about Shrine Homeschooling Families, contact Jenny Grice at [email protected].
The Legion of Mary is a world-wide organization of Catholic men and women who aim to grow in holiness through prayer and apostolic work, in union with Our Lady. It was first organized in Dublin, Ireland on September 7, 1921. Today, active and auxiliarty (praying) members make up a total of over 10 million members worldwide.
All practicing Catholics who wish to take an active part in the Church and draw closer to Jesus and Our Lady are welcome.
The Legion of Mary meets Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Heritage Hall Board Room.
For more information, visit or contact Teresa Rostron at (248) 933-8054.