As the Youth Ministry at Shrine, we exist to encounter and fall in love with Jesus and the Catholic faith, pursue growth in Him together, and boldly proclaim Him with our words and actions to all – especially those who do not follow Jesus.
Middle school is truly a moment of Crossroads for our Catholic middle schoolers, as they decide for themselves if they’ll be Confirmed and Who Jesus is going to be for them in their lives. At Crossroads, we want to see every teen come to be impacted by Who God is in their lives and be desperate to grow in and share His love. We want them to “choose Christ” because they love Him and know Him at this critical moment in their lives!
About Crossroads, our Middle School Ministry
We gather twice a month in the Youth Room at the Basilica, and teens from many different schools join us. At our meetings we laugh and get to know one another, listen to teachings, and engage in prayer and discussion. We have a variety of conversations and adventures, such as Jesus calling us on the Greatest Adventure of our lives, smashing milk with a baseball bat, and getting lost in a corn maze!
Upcoming Events: Unless specified, Crossroads will take place in the Youth Room at the Basilica 7-8:30 p.m. on Fridays. For more details, contact Brennan McHugh, Coordinator of Youth Ministries, Grades 6-12, at [email protected] or (248) 291-8274.
In youth ministry at Shrine, we know teens are wanting meaningful friendships and conversation, mentors, and an experience of God that moves them. We believe that with these three things in mind, we can accomplish our mission together. Pope Francis has called young people the Church of today, not tomorrow. Join us as we pursue Him!
About Rise, our High School Ministry
We gather 7:15-8:45 p.m. Sundays, and teens from many different schools join us. At our meetings we laugh and get to know one another, listen to teachings, and engage in prayer and discussion. We have talked about what it means to be spiritual versus religious, sprinted around the Basilica with blindfolds on and eaten a lot of great food (i.e. milkshakes).
Upcoming Events: Unless specified, Rise will take place 7:15-8:45 p.m. Sundays in the Youth Room at the Basilica. For more details, For more details, contact Brennan McHugh, Coordinator of Youth Ministries, Grades 6-12, at [email protected] or (248) 291-8274.
Get to know our Youth Minister: Hello! I am the Coordinator of Youth Ministry at the parish here at Shrine. Originally from Troy, MI, I graduated in May of 2019 from the University of Michigan with a degree in business (which, although recent, doesn’t stop teens from calling me old …). I like to play sports, dance to pop music, goof around with my wife and friends, pray, and talk about Jesus, especially with teens!
Forms: Fill out this form for our event permission slip. Permission slips are required for any event or meeting off Shrine or school campuses. Please edit the form as necessary.